All about me. And my life. And my thoughts. And whatever.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

I'm Back!

My sister started a blog ( and it made me realize how much I miss sharing my life and thoughts via my blog. It wasn't a conscious decision to stop. Just something that happened. I guess life got in the way. I got busy with the holidays. We bought and moved into a beautiful house that we are now making into a home. My work started blocking unrelated websites (HA- I know I should not have been). Between school, work, major life events (good and bad), and day-to-day life events, I stopped even thinking about my blog or the others I used to read. But I'm back! I have too many updates for one simple post and I will make sure to address them at some point. But for now, just wanted to say... I'm back! :)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Holiday Traditions

There is something about this time of year that makes everyone a little more sappy and nostalgic. There's something about holiday traditions that make the season just a bit more magical.
The Yule Log
A tradition that Matt & I have created is what we refer to as "The Yule Log." A few years ago, we happened upon the yule log on TV. That same Christmas I randomly found a Yule Log DVD and bought it for Matt as a joke. It has become our Holiday tradition to pop in the Yule Log whenever we are doing something holiday related (typically while blasting Christmas Carols).

Last year we took a break from decorating to take a photo in front of the yule log.
I think the Yule Log with continue to be a tradition for us for years to come. It is one of the silly, quirky thinks about our life that I just love. The house we are in contract on has a fireplace, but I plan on playing the Yule Log DVD regardless. 
As we have a family, I plan to institute many more Holiday Traditions. There truly is something special about this time of year!

What are your Holiday Traditions?

This conversation epitomizes what I miss about my old job

What you are about to read is all taken from a real life G-Chat.

Me:so many strange things have happened in that office
Previous Co-Worker:  Yes, yes they have.  And they keep happening.  How about this.  Remember the lady with the extra small eyes and the super thick glasses.  One year at Halloween she wore a super low dress to the point her boobies were hanging out?
 Me:  the one who is blind and likes to do crafts with cats? or the awkward one who acts way younger than she is and is obsessed with habitat for humanity?
Previous Co-worker:  no no crafts with cats
that one
Me:  wow, if i didn't know these people really existed i would think we were really good at making people up!
yes i know her
Previous Co-Worker:  Well, she came into the office the other day and said we needed to call 911 for her.  So we did.  And when she explained why, i almost died.
Me:  why???
Previous Co-Worker:  For Halloween, she drew on herself with Permanent Marker to make tattoos and spiderwebs.  Then she was scared because she was "turning black"
Me:  haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Previous Co-Worker:  When she explained this to the EMT, he said, "well it's because you drew on yourself with 'black' marker"
Me:  that is really funny.
Previous Co-Worker:  and she said, "I know, but look, it's spreading"
Previous Co-Worker:  He asked if she tried washing it and she said yes, and he said, then it smudged.  You're not turning black ma'am
Me:  hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
i miss those people
Previous Co-Worker:  lol not me
Me:  the crazy, annoying, and sometimes smelly people

And I mean it... I am OK with my current position for now... but I can't wait to get back to working with the crazies. :)  
(please note: all statements were made in amusement. I really do love those people! :) )

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

It's been awhile...

I've been caught up in the craziness of life and haven't posted anything in over a month. Time sure has been flying by since last winter. My work weeks go so fast lately - not complaining, except it seems that life is ticking away as well.

Slow down, please!
So let's see, what have I been up to?
Matt and I finished our first quarter of Grad School. I currently have a 3.7, which I am proud of, but hope to raise next quarter! When did I become this grade-obessed freak? I do not know, but I can't say it's a bad thing. School starts back up mid-January and I am pretty excited.
Speaking of excitement in January, we are set to close on our first home at the end of January! We're currently "in contract" and in the middle of getting everything taken care of with the financing, etc. It's a beautiful house that we both love and can't wait to get our hands on it.
My mom is doing OK with her treatment. I won't say fantastic, because obviously it is a hard time for her. She's been in a lot of pain and very worn out. She's gotten pretty thin, but not scary thin. She's a trooper overall.
Right now, I am just getting excited for the Holidays! We decorated a small table top tree this year and our apartment is looking very cute. I'm excited to spend time with family and enjoy this special time of year.
That is all for now... just a little life update! :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I don't have a title for this...

After almost two weeks of tests, my mom was diagnosed with cancer last week. There are cancer “nodules” throughout her body: her lymph nodes, her lungs, her liver, her rectum and colon, and even her spine. She started "very aggressive treatment" yesterday with her first round of chemo.
I've had my upset moments. Days. I've had thoughts, regrets, and panics that I couldn't get out of my mind. I keep thinking This isn't the way it's supposed to go. I've cried and prayed and pleaded with God and cried some more.
I've had days when somehow, I pushed it out of my mind and refused to think about it. I distracted myself anyway possible.
I tried keeping it to myself. Acknowledging it made it real, so I didn't want to do that. Also, I didn't want to look like that girl trying to get attention or pity. I told my family members I was OK and my husband was the only one I was open with.
Finally I realized, that this is a time that I need support. I was losing sleep and making myself crazy. I was in tears at work throughout the day at the thought of my mom's situation. So, I decided to tell 2 of my very close friends. Because I needed them. I composed and deleted and recomposed a text message telling them what was going on, being honest about how it was affecting me. I don't know why, but this was very hard for me. Of course they said all the right things. And I felt a little better.
Sunday it went public. My sister and aunts and then even my mom posted on their Facebook walls asking for support and prayers as my mom started chemo the next day. I didn't want to.
Then I started receiving texts from people who had seen it on Facebook. I read the amazingly supportive comments people were writing. And I realized that although this was a personal, private issue, sharing it with others was almost a relief. I created a post to show support for my mom and asked others to send her positive thoughts and prayers.

The outpouring of sincere condolences, positivity, and support that I've received is amazing. There are days when I think Facebook is absurd, but I must say in this instance, it's been a comfort to me. I've felt more positive and strong just knowing that so many people are thinking about, praying for, and rallying behind my mom. I hope it is a source of comfort and strength to her too.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Put a ring on it

I forgot my wedding rings today, for the first time ever! I must say, it's leaving me feeling much like this:


It's weird how used to wearing them I actually am. Today has made me realize how often I play with and look at my rings. Maybe this contributes to me feeling just a little off today?

See ya, Funk!

I've been in a funk. I've been feeling crappy about my job, have some other stuff going on, and have overall been feeling uninspired. I woke up this morning feeling blah. I was cranky on my drive to work, angry at the other drivers for cutting me off and such. The outfit I chose feels frumpy.
Then suddenly, I realized, I've got to snap out of it. So, I'm done. I'm choosing to have a good day. I'm choosing to open up to inspiration. I'm choosing happiness.
I have long believed that happiness comes from inside, not external factors. Although I may be facing some challenges, this does not mean I have to succumb to them. So, see ya, funk!